• Question: What is your most recent experiment

    Asked by anon-274105 to Ben on 3 Dec 2020.
    • Photo: Ben Pritchard

      Ben Pritchard answered on 3 Dec 2020:

      Recently I’ve been working on trying to understand what is happening when a small ball of fuel is imploded (opposite to an explosion, i.e. going inwards) using huge lasers (from a place called NIF – national ignition facility).
      The fuel collapses quickly and very turbulently (like trying to squeeze wet soap between your hands and it flying out of the shower!) and it makes it difficult to determine certain properties like temperature and pressure inside the fuel during collapse.
      Specifically, i’ve been using a technique called X-Ray spectroscopy (x-rays like those in a hospital) and certain fuels emit certain colours of light (also known as wavelengths of light) that can be used to determine how much energy is in the core.
      Some clever mathematics and computer programming can then be used to determine the temperature and pressures inside the core.
      The reason to do this is to determine if the fuel mixture and shape was a good implosion or whether different styles of fuel pellets would be better suited for ICF (inertial confinement fusion – basically imploding stuff with huge lasers!)
